Call Dispatcher

Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Call dispatchers will be responsible for fielding incoming phone calls to all of Sandhills phone lines. It will also cover all customer service-related calls and mail and address changes. A daily responsibility will be phone number lookups and address corrections. It could also involve re-qualifying existing customers, and to educate customers on our products and services. Call dispatchers at Sandhills also are responsible for covering reception duties at the front desk. This includes greeting guests and connecting them with the person they are visiting. This position requires professionalism, and a high degree of individual responsibility and customer service. Assume other duties as assigned.

•In Office Position. 4.5 day regular work week. Ability to commute daily to local office is required.
•Excellent oral and written communication skills
•Able to work independently and communicate within a team environment
•Results oriented
•Flexible and open to change
•Stable and progressive work history
•Professional appearance and demeanor

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